June 15, 16, 17 Sat, Sun, Mon Mackinac City - Charlevoix - Northport
The winds calmed overnight and we saw a large, bright ball of fire in the sky. Having the sun shine lends limitless possibilities for the day ahead. We headed south into the Straits and under the bridge. The ride to Charlevoix was comfortable and pleasant. We could identify the navigational markers easily and watched other cruises come and go. Strictly by chance, we timed the opening for the bridge perfectly and traveled through the channel to the same slip as previous. Once secured in the slip, we vacuumed the dead midges (very few in this port). We met a couple on a sailboat from New Buffalo and shared some adventures from our Loop experience.
On Sunday morning, Tom purchased pastries and they were enjoyed by all. Suddenly is was decided "Let's leave" so we caught the next bridge opening and went out onto the lake heading south - cloudy skies with a one foot roll to the sea. As the short ride concluded, the clouds were gray and the rain sprinkles once again fell. Back in Northport, we were in the same mooring spot again, here too. Slowly the blue skies appeared - still cool but pleasant. Nacho dinner with Short Vacation and phone calls to and from the family completed our day.
The morning sunshine was a welcome sight. We could not resist wearing shorts, finally. The day was spent doing a variety of tasks: laundry, stowing items in the car, updating maintenance log, filling water tank, making phone calls, a grocery run, update blog, cleaning the fly-bridge, etc. After we traveled for a week, the "to do list" consists of many small items to catch up on. We went for a walk to stretch our legs and get some exercise. One last night of cocktails on Short Vacation and dinner at the Garage completed a productive day.